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In recent years, Arizona has seen a rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs). As the number of cases continue to rise, it is essential to prioritize preventative care. Getting tested regularly and using barrier methods, like condoms and dental dams, can greatly diminish the risk of acquiring or transmitting STIs.

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Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis cases rank amongst the highest in Arizona. As numbers continue to rise, it’s important to remember that many STIs are entirely curable. Regular STI screenings can detect infections early on, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

Seeking medical assistance and following treatment plans lead toward recovery and preventing further transmission.

At Prisma Community Care, we provide comprehensive services in a safe and affirming manner. From annual exams to HIV and STI testing and treatment. Our healthcare providers offer personalized care and support though out every stage of your health journey.

The rise in STI cases in Arizona serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing your sexual health and wellness. Embrace preventative measures and seek timely medical care, to prioritize your physical and mental health.

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